Republican Governors Lead the Charge for Education Freedom
February 14, 2025
Every family should have the freedom to find the education that best fits their child’s unique needs. Leaders across the nation are working to ensure that: Parents have the power to choose the right education for their child. Family income or ZIP code no longer determines access to educational opportunities. Policies prioritize students and families, giving them the tools they need to succeed. This movement is about expanding choices and creating opportunities so every child can thrive.
Derrell Bradford defines No More Lines on Education Gadfly Show
April 22, 2024
This month, Derrell Bradford, president of 50CAN and board member at yes. every kid., joined the Education Gadfly Show, a project of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, hosted by Fordham President Michael Petrilli and Associate Director of Research David Griffith. What followed was a spirited and thought-provoking conversation on the topic of ending exclusionary school zoning laws by 2030 – the chief goal of the recently launched No More Lines Coalition, of which 50CAN and yes. every kid. are a part. The panel presented compelling and passionate arguments from many sides of the debate, shedding light on the complexities and…
New report examines state-by-state policy on flexible access to public schools
July 10, 2023
Imagine a world where public schools are as flexibly accessible as other public services, an institution which does not discriminate on the basis of ZIP code, race, gender, or family income. Today, only 24 states explicitly outline a policy for nonpublic students to access classes and/or clubs offered by their public schools, while only 15 states make it mandatory for school districts to participate. Ten states treat access to a public school as a right for all students regardless of where they attend school on a full-time basis. The Bottom Line: All students should be empowered to attend public schools…