yes. every k⁠i⁠d. Celebra⁠t⁠es Educa⁠t⁠⁠i⁠on Freedom a⁠t⁠ Kansas S⁠t⁠a⁠t⁠e House

January 23, 2024

January 23, 2024

On the morning of Tuesday, January 23, hundreds of Kansans, young and old, gathered at the State House in Topeka to celebrate education freedom and National School Choice Week.

Organized by Kansas Policy Institute, the audience heard from students, advocates, parents, and lawmakers tell their stories of how empowering families with education choice can change lives. More than 100 students from across the state attended to celebrate their school of choice.

Shannon Pahls, public affairs director with yes. every kid., addressed the rally to share the organization’s vision and demonstrate how powerful student voices are in showing what education freedom can do for an individual.

When asked if they love their schools, students in the audience answered with resounding affirmation. “That’s what this is all about,” Pahls responded, “ensuring that every kid has the opportunity to attend a school that they love, a school that allows them to unleash their limitless potential. This is about empowering families with decision-making authority over their kids’ education.”

“Education has the power to change lives. And every kid regardless of ZIP code, race, or their family’s socioeconomic status – should have access to an education that meets their unique needs, interests, and passions.”