At yes. every kid., we believe every child is unique with their distinct passions and interests. Open enrollment should be accessible to all families, allowing them to find the best school for their children.
Mandatory open enrollment policies enable students to transfer between schools within or outside their districts. These policies respect each student’s dignity and put families in control. However, many open enrollment policies are selective or optional, granting districts the power to refuse applications or accept only a specific group of students. Such policies exclude numerous families from the decision-making process for their own child’s education.
Policy leaders must empower families to choose the right schools for their children. The current top-down residential assignment system restricts this freedom, and selective open enrollment policies fail to address the core issue. Assigning students to schools based on their residence takes away families’ agency, and selective policies further exclude those with a right to participate.
Top-down residential assignment systems cannot cater to each student’s unique skills and interests. Families should have the power to decide.
To genuinely transform education into a system that respects every student’s dignity, we must provide each family with the freedom to direct their child’s education. Mandatory open enrollment policies are the key to achieving this goal.