Un⁠i⁠versal School Cho⁠i⁠ce: A Br⁠i⁠gh⁠t⁠er Fu⁠t⁠ure for Amer⁠i⁠ca’s K⁠i⁠ds

January 14, 2025

January 14, 2025

At the heart of a brighter future for America is the freedom to choose the best education for every child. President Donald Trump, alongside Republican governors and other elected officials across the country, is leading the charge to empower parents with universal school choice.

🎥 Watch the video below to hear their commitment to education freedom.

Parents know what’s best for their children, and the right to choose a school that fits their needs shouldn’t depend on income or ZIP code.

Universal school choice represents a new chapter in education—one where families, not bureaucracies, make decisions about learning. It’s about fairness, opportunity, and ensuring every child has access to a brighter future.

Join the movement for education freedom today. Together, we can ensure every child has the chance to succeed.