yes. every k⁠i⁠d. responds ⁠t⁠o Gov. Ivey’s S⁠t⁠a⁠t⁠e of ⁠t⁠he S⁠t⁠a⁠t⁠e address

February 5, 2025

February 5, 2025

Last night, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey highlighted the state’s progress in expanding education freedom during her 2025 State of the State address, noting that their efforts “will give more Alabama families greater flexibility in choosing an education that suits their child’s educational needs.”

Why it matters:

  • In 2024, Alabama enacted universal education freedom through the CHOOSE Act.
  • Because of the CHOOSE Act, families are empowered to use up to $7,000 in refundable income tax credits, called education savings accounts (ESA), to direct toward their child’s education.
  • Since January, more than 18,000 students have applied to use the program. 

What we’re saying:

“Gov. Ivey is a champion for Alabama’s kids,” said Alice Kerce, government affairs director, yes. every kid. “We are excited to continue to work with her administration to ensure the ESA program fulfills its mission to assist families in finding the education that best meets their kids’ needs.”

Go Deeper:

  • In its first year, the CHOOSE Act ESA is limited to families earning up to 300% of the federal poverty level, with priority for students with special needs and dependents of active-duty service members.
  • In subsequent years, the program will be open to every student.

About yes. every kid. 

yes. every kid. is a leading advocacy team with a family-first approach to transform America’s education policy landscape. We work to transform education away from the current top-down standardized model to a bottom-up approach that enables every family and student to customize an education that best matches their values and priorities.
