yes. every k⁠i⁠d. applauds Nor⁠t⁠h Carol⁠i⁠na leg⁠i⁠sla⁠t⁠ors for vo⁠t⁠⁠i⁠ng ⁠t⁠o fund every k⁠i⁠d

September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024

Today, the North Carolina House passed a supplemental budget, which fully funds the state’s Opportunity Scholarship Program. This critical funding will clear the entire waitlist, empowering families to craft the educational experience that best meets their kids’ needs.

A recent poll conducted by yes. every kid. foundation. found that nearly two-thirds of Americans (63%), including majorities of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans, support expanding access to programs like the Opportunity Scholarship. That same poll found that Americans believe increased options would improve education overall.

“North Carolina families have spoken loud and clear,” said Marcus D. San Marino, vice president, government affairs, yes. every kid. “Responding to immense demand for Opportunity Scholarships, with nearly 72,000 kids applying before the deadline, North Carolina lawmakers delivered.”

yes. every kid. commends Sens. Michael Lee, Phil Berger, and House Speaker Tim Moore for their leadership on this critical issue for North Carolina kids.

Background on the supplemental budget agreement:

  • Appropriates $248 million for the upcoming school year and $215.5 million to support scholarships for the 2025-26 school year.
  • The appropriation is intended to clear the Opportunity Scholarship waitlist where there are an estimated 54,800 applicants.
  • The supplemental budget will also include $24.7 million to clear the waitlist for the Education Student Accounts program, which supports students with disabilities. There are an estimated 2,015 applicants currently on the waitlist.
