yes. every k⁠i⁠d. applauds Ind⁠i⁠ana Gov. Braun for ⁠i⁠nclud⁠i⁠ng un⁠i⁠versal educa⁠t⁠⁠i⁠on freedom ⁠i⁠n h⁠i⁠s budge⁠t⁠ pr⁠i⁠or⁠i⁠⁠t⁠⁠i⁠es  

January 17, 2025

January 17, 2025

Gov. Mike Braun recently unveiled his 2025-2027 biennial budget priorities, which include universal expansion of the Indiana Choice Scholarship Program. This significant expansion would empower every Hoosier family in the state with education freedom.  

“Less than a week into his governorship, we are encouraged by Governor Braun’s commitment to prioritizing universal school choice,” said Marcus D. San Marino, vice president, yes. every kid. “We applaud his decision to make this a top focus in his inaugural budget request and stand ready to work alongside him and legislative leaders to continue building Indiana’s legacy of supporting kids and fostering educational innovation.” 

About yes. every kid.   

yes. every kid. is a leading advocacy team with a families-first approach to transform America’s education policy landscape. We work to transform education away from the current top-down standardized model to a bottom-up approach that enables every family and student to customize an education that best matches their values and priorities. 
