Teachers and parents nationally believe significant change is needed in their states
Arlington, Va. – Americans support the inclusion of Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) by greater than a four-to-one margin (54% to 13%) — with one-third (33%) undecided, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov and released by yes. every kid. Support for ESAs was slightly stronger among Democrats (58%) than Republicans (55%), with a majority of both parties supporting the initiative.
Support for ESAs — which would allow families to direct funding for their children’s education, through tuition, instructional materials, tutoring or online curriculum — was even higher among teachers (59%), with opposition remaining low at 15%.
Parents also voiced significant support for ESAs, with three in five parents (60%) favoring them, while opposition remained low (15%). Among Black parents, seven in 10 (70%) favor ESAs, while only seven percent oppose them.
The findings signal a desire from both teachers and parents across the nation for more options to provide children with meaningful learning opportunities and the ability to create the educational experience that works best for each child.
“It’s clear that those who spend the most time with America’s children – teachers and parents – believe ESAs can improve and expand learning opportunities for children,” said Craig Hulse, executive director of yes. every kid. “The public does not want a one-size-fits-all education system, but rather, a personalized approach to education that can open doors for more innovation. Ahead of the 2023 legislative session, let’s listen to the voices of educators and families, who are hungry for direct access to educational resources that support the unique needs of every child.”
There is broad support for a better public education system for our nation’s children — with 55% of Americans believing that significant change (37%) or a complete overhaul (18%) is needed to improve public education. While just over a third (35%) believe a little change is needed.
Across the nation, where a family lives largely determines the educational experience that their child has access to. But that standardized approach has exacerbated inequities and discouraged innovation for decades. Unsurprisingly, parents are seeking change – seeking new opportunities that help empower children to succeed. Teachers are, too.
Indeed, teachers were much more likely to say that K-12 public education needs significant change compared to the general public, with 61% of teachers believing that significant change (46%) or a complete overhaul (15%) is needed to improve public education.
The poll was conducted by YouGov from Nov 22 to Dec. 6, 2022. YouGov interviewed a total of 1,581 people comprised of three different groups: General population (1,013), parents of K-12 age children oversample (292), and a teacher oversample (276). The margin of error for the general population is estimated to be +/- 3.4%.
About yes. every kid.
yes. every kid. supports policies that respect the dignity of every student, welcome innovative ideas and foster a diversity of approaches to learning. yes. every kid. will support and build coalitions to advance new conversations and bold visions by bringing together differing voices and perspectives to revolutionize the K-12 education experience.