Phoenix, AZ – yes. every kid. today commended the Arizona Legislature and Governor Ducey for passing several transformational education reforms this legislative session.
Yes. every kid. Government Affairs Director Becky Hill issued the following statement:
“Policymakers took enormous steps towards giving every student the individual educational experience they need to thrive, develop their individual talents, and live a life of purpose. We thank Governor Ducey and members of the Arizona Legislature for their leadership and for putting students and families first.”
A year ago, educators, parents, and students agreed that the pandemic-related adjustments to education created an opportunity to break away from outdated practices no longer meeting the needs of students, families, and educators.
Alongside a diverse coalition of partners, yes. every kid. proposed policy and regulatory changes to do just that. yes. every kid. is pleased to report that many of these ideas are now law and available to families and educators who need them. Some of the more important changes centered on individualized learning time and giving families access to the public schools they are entitled to:
- B. 2862 – instructional time models; (Chapter 299): A new law that transforms “seat time” – enabling students to learn at their own pace, not a state mandated pace, and giving educators options for when and where students can earn learning time without putting school funding at risk.
- B. 2898- K12 education reconciliation bill; (Chapter 404):
- An overdue reboot of enrollment statutes protects students being screened out of their right to attend any Arizona public school with available seats due to address, disability, or other factors. The budget also provided resources to educate families about their rights to open enroll their children in public schools. Zip codes and school boundaries should not determine a student’s fate or their educational options. Chapter 404 creates a more accessible system of schools for every kid.
- yes. every kid. is also pleased to see most of SB1683 adopted in this bill. Rethinking transportation options to be more efficient and family friendly is important to school budgets but most critical for families whose transportation options are a barrier to the right school for their kids. Governor Ducey’s “Driving Equity” initiative is a promising strategy for transforming dated and hard-to-use school bus programs. These new laws and resources should give parents more affordable and accessible transportation options for getting their kids to school.