Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is set for a historic term as the first female governor of Arkansas and the youngest governor in the U.S.
But her sights are set on making history through transformational changes to education, which is her top priority as governor.
Sanders outlined education themes in her LEARNS platform, which includes “empower[ing] parents with more choices, so no child is ever trapped in a failing school and lifetime in poverty”.
yes. every kid. and families across Arkansas agree that families should be in the driver’s seats for their children’s education and have access to the options that work best for them, regardless of income or zip code.
Gov. Huckabee Sanders said in a recent interview with Talk Business & Politics, “We’re already spending; 54% of our state budget goes to education. We should demand better results with the money that we’re spending. We cannot continue to pour money into programs that aren’t delivering.”
She also said she wants parents to have more educational freedom and abilities to put their children in learning environments whether they are public, private, or home school options.
“We have to make sure that parents have a lot more power about deciding how and where their child is best educated,” she said. While mentioning education savings accounts, Gov. Huckabee Sanders said a final plan will have to be negotiated with the legislature.