Halli Faulkner
Senior Legislative Drafter
Halli Faulkner is the Senior Legislative Drafter with yes. every kid. She is a seasoned education policy professional and a former middle school English teacher. Most recently, as the Senior Director of State and Federal Policy for the American Federation for Children, Halli supported education leaders in 25+ states in creating high-quality law and policies to empower students and families. Halli earned her law degree from the George Washington University Law School and master’s degree in secondary education from Loyola Marymount University’s Graduate School of Education.
Halli in the News
The Brian Nichols Show: Debunking MYTHS About School Choice and Funding
Axios: “Underground Railroad to public education” helps parents flee segregation
Forbes: How To Make It Easier For Families To Find The Right School
The Carolina Journal: NC can honor Brown v. Board legacy by ending exclusionary school district lines
The Angelette Aviles Show: No More Lines
Axios: Suburban schools becoming less white, more Latino
Connecticut Inside Investigator: Report: CT can do more to eliminate divisive school districts
The Lion: New report outlines three steps to create public school choice in all 50 states
NJ Education Report: When Good Parents Go to Jail